maybe i'm psycho - rebenn - south korea - indie - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

Maybe I’m Psycho

Editor's Notes Absolutely amazing and intoxicating union of vocals and sounds that makes for a one-of-a-kind soundscape.

South-Korean indie songwriter/producer REBENN comes to Wolf in a Suit with the fantastic DEZA on the vocals and together they give life to "Maybe I'm Psycho". With this intoxicating and absolute inviting blend of melodies and lyrics they give life to a pop/electronica realm that feels so amazing from start to end. The verses flow with natural ease, caressing our senses and let the soundscape become so ours that feel it as a home for our imagination. They balance each other out quite perfectly, allowing the song to unfold and pull us in from the moment we press play.

There's a message waiting for you within the world of "Maybe I'm Psycho", one that is sure to resonate with modern society. He explores the sad reality, that many like to play victim without even looking at their own actions and realizing that the blame is shared.

"Maybe I'm Psycho" is a one-of-a-kind experience that checks all the boxes and hits the spot from start to end, letting us become one with the mesmerizing magic that makes sit so special. There's no denying that this track has everything to be a hit and easily earn the label of must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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