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Matcha Tea (feat. WRENN)

Editor's Notes A remix/collaboration made in musical heaven.
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From the US comes the absolutely amazing Cassidy King in collaboration with WRENN and together they give life to the remix version of "Matcha Tea". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, these talented artists take us for a ride, an adventure through a relationship that couldn't be. They connect the dots so perfectly and their voices flow naturally with each other, caressing our senses and painting a picture so human and so vivid.

The "Matcha Tea" remix is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best collaborations I've heard in a while and the arrangement is just perfection (chef's kiss if you will). So listen closely and fall prey to the raw and absolutely captivating soundscape of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

The Original:

“The song is about a girl who didn't really give me the time of the day. I asked WRENN, who's a dear friend of mine, to do a verse on the song. I told her ‘make sure you're nice to me on the song and to let me down gently.’”

Cassidy King about the "Matcha Tea" Remix.

More of Cassidy King