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Mary Cookins

Editor's Notes Playfully captivating, dreamy and inviting soundscape.

From Sweden comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Augustine with his latest release, say hello to "Mary Cookins". With this exquisite and refreshingly playful soundscape, he invites us to sing, dance and have one hell of a good time. The track flows with such a natural ease, caressing our senses and letting us know that it's ok to fall prey to the bliss that dwells inside it. His voice is gentle but captivating, pulling us into this world that feels so ours from the moment we press play.

"Mary Cookins" is a welcomed mix of classic and contemporary melodies and sounds that offer us a place to roam freely and without a care in the world. So listen closely, let your imagination out and dive into the sweet unknown of this marvelous must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“This was the first song that came to me in this album process and we had so much fun making it in a little cabin in the south of Sweden. Everything just fell into place and I felt like it marked a new beginning after a break from the studio.”

Augustine on "Mary Cookins"

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