lost in the wires - Katie Ferrara - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

Lost In The Wires

Editor's Notes Relatable, honest and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Katie Ferrara comes to Wolf in a Suit with the captivating sonic creation that is "Lost In The Wires". With this refreshingly honest and personal blend of melodies and lyrics, she speaks of a yearn for something different, something more human and real. She speaks of a time now gone in which technology did not have as much power as it does today, and she hopes for a way back to that.

"Lost In The Wires" understands that technology makes life simpler but also complicated for it takes away that personal feel when it comes to interaction and gives strangers too much power. Something about this song just hits the spot and connects the dots for it embraces us whole and let's us know that we are not alone in wanting a bit of what's now gone. So listen closely and fall prey to the honest and subtle fire of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Katie Ferrara