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US-based indie singer/songwriter Emily James comes to Wolf in a Suit with the wonderfully captivating sonic reality of "London". With this refreshingly honest and inviting showcase of feelings and emotions we get a chance to see the aftermath of a breakup and what goes on at times through our minds and our hearts. It's a track that understands that sometimes we just want to escape from everything, we hope for a new beginning that will make the sadness disappear in an instant, which rarely happens.

"London" is a beautifully inviting and subtly cinematic soundscape that allows us to find a bit of ourselves within its world. It knows that the heart tends to find it hard to understand why it needs to break, why things did not work out and why can it be fine right away. So listen closely and explore the palpable tale that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"’London’ represents the initial feelings you might have when a breakup is fresh. There's a lot of emotions and you don't really want to face all of them so you turn to escaping; in this case literally escaping the country and romanticizing the idea of starting an entirely new life. The song slips between feelings of sadness, a bit of bitterness, and a bit of convincing yourself you're fine."

Emily James

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"London" by Emily James Music Video

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