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Last Straw

Editor's Notes A beautiful blend of melodies, lyrics and vocals that speak to our hearts and souls.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Morgan Paros comes to the lands of the Wolf in a Suit with the sonic creation that is "Last Straw". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics the brilliant artist gives life to a tale so human and so instantly relatable. She allows the verses to come together and speak to our hearts and souls from start to end with no reservation, letting us explore this realm completely.

There's something about "Last Straw" that is quite marvelous, letting her voice break through and really show the feelings and emotions that are part of this story. This is a beautifully crafted soundscape that has everything to be a great addition to any playlist and a sure-to-be fan favorite. So listen closely and explore the world that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Morgan Paros