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Keep Calling

From the UK comes the amazing indie singer/songwriter Tom Webber with his latest musical creation, say hello to the tale of "Keep Calling". With this wonderfully crafted showcase of feelings and emotions we get to explore a world that sadly will be quite familiar for more than a few of us. It's a song that speaks of something that is part of growing up; the drifting of people and the changes this brings to relationships, going from thick as thieves to "yeah, he/she is an acquaintance" or going as far as that's someone I used to know.

"Keep Calling" explores this bittersweet experience in a way that is human, real and refreshingly palpable and down to earth. It does not aim to cause sadness, anger or any negativity, but it accepts the facts and aims to move forward from it. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, but unfortunately it's bound to happen with more than a few relationships. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within the scope of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“A song about that friend who once was your rock, your sidekick. But as time moves, as do personalities. Friends which were once ‘thick as thieves’ have now drifted apart as the years have gone by. Narrated through the eyes and mind of someone who’s trying to let that person go and move on with life”

Tom Webber about "Keep Calling"

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