in the eyes - Sistir - ireland - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

in the eyes

Editor's Notes A wonderfully mesmerizing and inviting musical creation that aims to provide some form of feeling for a broken heart.

Irish indie singer/songwriter Sistir comes to Wolf in a Suit with the absolutely stunning musical creation that is "in the eyes". With this powerful and personal blend of melodies and lyrics she opens up her heart and soul to let us take a peek inside and find of ourselves within this tale. The track flows in such natural fashion, finding a home within our senses and let us connect the dots as it unfolds.

There's something about "in the eyes" that allows listeners to find some form of healing as she explores the aftermath of a breakup in such mesmerizing style. So listen closely as you will find a way to move forward and do to see things a bit clearer as you move forward and say goodbye to what once was. Enjoy the ride and explore the relatable charm of this stunning must-listen gem.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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