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How Your Love Feels

Editor's Notes A fantastic and absolutely beautiful showcase of feelings and emotions.

The uber-talented Texas based singer/songwriter Alex O’aiza comes to Wolf in a Suit with his latest offering, say hello to “How your love feels”. With this refreshingly honest and pure showcase of feelings and emotions, he opens up his heart and soul and invites us to explore within ourselves as the verses come alive and connect the dots. The track is absolutely beautiful and without a doubt one of the best sonic adventures I’ve had this year. He understands what’s needed to connect with each and every listener by giving life to a soundscape that is so true and so human. There’s no denying that this track has it all to caress your senses and remind you of the sweet magic that the world still holds.

By this point anybody and everybody that visits this site should know that I am fan of Alex and consider him to be one of the brightest talents to come out of the state I call home. So come with me and let us dive into this world he has crafted with such passion and such care and be enamored by the magic of this must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy the magic of "How your love feels"!

Location: USA

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More of Alex O'aiza