high - Paige Valentine - Australia - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


From Australia comes the absolutely amazing and talented Paige Valentine with the wonderful musical escapade that is "High". With this refreshingly freeing and playful blend of melodies and lyrics she allows us to feel a connection, to feel as if her verses were always meant for us. It's a track that whispers in your ear sweet words that let you know it's ok to let go and to simply live life as best you can.

There's something quite special about "High" that allows each listener a chance to break free and just enjoy the magic that this soundscape holds. So listen closely and remember, it's ok to break a few rules and let go of those voices that seem to fancy saying "you can't". Enjoy the ride that is this mesmerizing must-listen gem!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"This song is about dropping your insecurities and being free. It also transports me back to the landscapes of home. The remote south coast had such a sense of freedom to it while most of the world was in lockdowns.  When the military opened the borders and all of my upcoming shows were cancelled, all I wanted to do was drive to the wilderness, run through the vast stretches of scenery and enjoy the freedom and beauty of youth to make up for the year or so spent living inside..."

Paige Valentine about "High"

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