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From Sweden comes the always amazing and talented Linn Koch-Emmery and she does so with her latest release, say hello to "Happy". With this beautifully captivating and bittersweet blend of melodies and lyrics we are given a chance to explore a world so honest, so raw and so wonderfully human. It's a song that embraces the harsh reality of love and relationships in a way that understands when it needs to start and when things need to end.

There's something about "Happy" that is sure to click for most if not all who listen from the moment we press that always magical play button. It's a soundscape that speaks with words that resonate with our hearts and souls as it pulls us in so softly yet with such firm grasp. So listen closely and fall prey to this intoxicating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"There's never as much hope as in the beginning and right before the end of a relationship."

Linn Koch-Emmery

More of Linn Koch-Emmery

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