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Growing Pains

Editor's Notes Fantastic storytelling, stunning musical arrangement and voice that brings it all together.

From the UK comes the fantastic indie singer/songwriter Caleb Scott aka LORD & LAND with his latest musical creation, say hello to "Growing Pains". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, he paints a picture so human, so raw and so refreshingly inspiring. He explores the ups and downs of life in a way so honest and so easy to connect with, that it just knows how to pull you in.

"Growing Pains" is a fantastic folk track that embraces the beauty of storytelling and lets it really be part of the soundscape, bringing the experience together. There's no denying that this track has something special within it that is sure to speak to our hearts and souls. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet escape found within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE