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From India and now based in the US comes the absolutely amazing Izora with the bittersweet tale of "Goodbye". With this fantastic blend of honest feelings and emotions, she gives life to a world that is so hers yet I am sure will hit home for more than a few listeners. It's a track that speaks of the harsh realities of a toxic relationship where the other side only shows up when they need or want something from you. It's a bittersweet soundscape that embraces your senses and speaks directly to the hearts of all who are luck to listen.

There's something about "Goodbye" that knows how to just click and connect the dots, giving way for a wonderfully vivid and relatable sonic experience. This is a track that allows us to realize that we are not alone in this and we can always find inspiration and motivation in this realization. So listen closely and fall prey to the honest touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Izora