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Good News Girl

Editor's Notes A welcomed dose of positivity and good vibes.

From Germany comes the fantastic indie band Roast Apple with their latest musical adventure, say hello to the charming "Good News Girl". With this playfully inviting and down-to-earth soundscape they give life to a world that has all the good vibes you'll ever need to push forward and try your best at reaching your dreams. The track serves as a thank you to all those people that were always there for the band and continue to be there, never letting them falter as they push on in the world of music.

There's something about "Good News Girl" that is just so enticing and inspiring, pulling you in and giving you freedom to sing and dance along. The track is an absolutely amazing addition to any playlist for it's not just sonically exciting but lyrically quite refreshing and welcomed. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet taste of musical ambrosia that is part of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"The song is a thank you to those people in our lives who are always there and see a light at the end of the tunnel, even in the darkest hour. Pure optimism."

Roast Apple on "Good News Girl"

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