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Get To You

Canadian indie singer/songwriter Jordan Hart comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet and honest sonic creation that is "Get To You". With this track he opens up his heart and soul and by doing so, invites us to do the same. The song is honest and down-to-earth, walking away from the fantasies sold and instead letting us see that sometimes communication between two is not that simple. I understand this feeling of being lost and trying but not connecting, it happens and sometimes it does not mean you don't care, you just express differently.

"Get To You" understands that we are part of this world but we are not alike, we all have different things going on inside. Not being able to find the words or the right way to talk to someone can at times make you feel as if you are pushing that person away. It's a hard task, but sometimes there's someone out there that knows how to read between your lines, and sometimes the one you are with is not that person. This wonderful must-listen gem leaves the door open for us to connect in the way that works for our hearts and souls. So listen and enjoy the sweet magic of "Get To You"!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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