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Get There When I Get There

The always amazing indie singer/songwriter Caleb Hearn comes to us with the insightful and honest tale of “Get There When I Get There”. With this marvelous track, he opens up his heart and soul and shares a story so personal yet so wonderfully universal and easy to connect with. It’s a song that explores life and all the questions we are asked at times by family and friends in regards to the future and what plans we have.

“Get There When I Get There” allows him to be honest and share the fact that he doesn’t know what the future holds, and that yes, fear is part of the equation, but it doesn't hold him back. It’s a sentiment that I share, life is always an unknown, but the present is palpable and has so much to offer. Listen to the sweet magic and down to earth touch of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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