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From Japan comes an amazing musical act, say hello to issey and the electrifying musical reality that awaits us all within “GAME OVER”. With this fantastic track, we are reminded once more that language should never be considered a barrier to connect and enjoy what music can offer. This song just hits the spot from the start and transports us to a world that feels so vivid and lush as it makes itself at home in your most heard playlist.

“GAME OVER” breaks away from the norm and creates a place made for its own uniqueness, pulling us in to sing, dance and be wild and free in it. To be honest, there’s much to say about this fantastic track, it’s just so exciting and fun to hear that you’ll find yourself inviting others to share the experience. So, listen closely, have fun and fall prey to this amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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