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From the UK comes the absolutely amazing SOMOH with her latest musical endeavor, say hello to the tale of "Favourite". With a refreshing dose of honest and raw emotions, she opens up her heart and soul to paint a picture quite human and relatable. She explores that incessant quest to fix things for others, as if this would make you a savior and someone others can't live without. It's a very real and palpable truth that many might not accept, but it does dwell in most of us whether we like it or not.

"Favourite" is uniquely crafted, borrowing from the moody nature of the 90's rock scene while staying in touch with the needs of the modern music explorer. It embraces our senses and speaks with words that ring true and quite real from start to end, managing to feel as much ours as it is hers. So listen closely and dive into the world of this stunning must-listen gem for a bit of you awaits within. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Favourite’ is about trying to feel a sense of validation through ‘fixing’ everyone’s problems but your own. There’s a childlike obsession that comes with having a saviour complex and I wanted to represent that in the artwork; a diary where you would write down your deepest, darkest secrets. The process of writing to releasing this song has been the fastest yet, but I think that speaks to how excited I am for where this next project is headed. You can expect a much fuller sound, as I lean more into alternative and rock influences.”


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