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Fake a Happy Face!


US-based indie band Smallpools comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they give life to another hit for us to enjoy with "Fake a Happy Face!". With this fantastic and refreshingly honest and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics they embrace our senses and invite us to be part of a tale so real and so human. It's a track that manages to feel ours as it comes together, showcasing the nuances of life in a way that is raw and quite welcomed to find nowadays.

There's something about "Fake a Happy Face!" that hits the nail right in the head, speaking of that need to escape from reality that at times becomes part of our lonely nights. It's a track that speaks from a place that could easily be ours, but its theirs, yet uses words that resonate from the moment you press play, until the very end and beyond. Listen closely and fall prey to the touch of this intoxicating and strangely freeing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘Fake a Happy Face!’ is about yearning to escape, to start over, lying in bed with the weight of the world upon you. There are so many mixed emotions that switch on a dime. Everything’s great and everything sucks. ‘Fake a Happy Face!’ and keep on cruising the best you can,”


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"Fake a Happy Face!" by Smallpools Lyric Video

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