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Ed’s House

Editor's Notes A refreshing and playful exploration of the sweet magic of youth.

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Ben Ellis comes to Wolf in a Suit with the captivating sonic creation that is "Ed's House". With this refreshingly playful and inviting soundscape he reminisces about the past and the freedom that was part of youth. The melodies and lyrics come together and invite us into a world so relaxing and fun to hear from start to end.

There's something about this song that just hits the spot and manages to put a smile in our faces as we find ourselves singing along to it. "Ed's House" is a truly amazing and freeing experience that feels so welcoming and down-to-earth. So listen closely and explore the sweet escape found in this magical must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wrote this song while feeling nostalgic for the parties that my best friend Ed had at his house in high school. I really wanted to capture the “live while we’re young” sentiment and put a new indie-pop twist on it in this song."

Ben Ellis

More of Ben Ellis