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Don’t Make A Sound

From the UK comes an absolutely amazing artist, say hello to the voice and the magic of Ruti and her latest release, "Don't Make A Sound". With this track, she not only comes to these lands for the first time, but also offers us a chance to hear something special and absolutely memorable. It's a soundscape that flows along naturally through the airwaves, speaking to your senses and pulling you in from the moment you press play.

There's something about "Don't Make A Sound" that understands the ways in which to give music lovers a whole new reality to explore and connect with. She let's her voice guides us, showing how amazing and capable it is, letting the verses come together and play along with our imagination. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet dose of musical ambrosia that awaits us within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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"Don't Make A Sound" by Ruti Official Visualizer

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