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Don’t Let Your Love (Let You Down)

From the UK comes the absolutely amazing indie band Pentire with their latest release, say hello to "Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)". With this marvelous blend of melodies and lyrics we get a chance to experience indie pop in all its glory, for the song is a hit in my book. There's no denying, the soundscape flows with ease, caressing our senses and pulling us in as the tale unfolds and becomes as much ours as it is theirs.

"Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)" has it all to be a fan favorite and a perfect addition to any and all playlists in my opinion, I mean, just listen and let it hit you. It's track that could confuse you and make you think it's about love, but pay attention and you'll see things clearly. So listen closely and fall prey to the intoxicating dose of magic that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“‘DLYL(LYD)’ is far from a love song, it is actually about temptation, and a reminder not to succumb to it. It very rarely ends well!”

Jack Morgan of Pentire about "Don't let your love (let you down)"

More of Pentire

"Don't Let Your Love (Let You Down)" by Pentire Music Video

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