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Editor's Notes Freeing, inspiring and absolutely amazing indie pop soundscape.

US-based indie singer/songwriter EMMY comes to Wolf in a Suit with the captivating and relatable sonic creation that is "COOL GIRL". With this honest and down-to-earth story, she lets melodies and lyrics guide us as we are invited to ask ourselves what cool really means. It's a welcomed dose of self-exploration that allows us to see that in reality we set the definition for that word, we just seem to easily forget this and fall for what the media and society try to tell us.

Anything can be cool as long as it is yours and makes you feel good about yourself and happy with whatever it is. There's a sense of freedom that comes so easily from this soundscape from the moment we press play, until the end, leaving us wanting more and more of it.

"COOL GIRL" is an absolutely amazing and captivating soundscape that is sure to put you in a great mood. So listen closely and fall prey to its magical and friendly touch, that makes it an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of EMMY