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America Girl

Editor's Notes A welcomed dose of romantic lyricism and contemporary escapism.

From Norway comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Cupid Girl with her latest release, say hello to "America Girl". With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a wonderful tale of love and escapism. The track embraces that magical moment in which you find someone so special that you just feel that life can be perfect in a new place where you can share a beginning.

Something about this soundscape just knows how to speak to our hearts and souls as we are given a chance to find a bit of ourselves within its borders. Plus, there's something more hidden with the verses, as she explores the other side of love, the one where we lose bits and pieces of ourselves. "America Girl" offers two sides that at times are part of the same coin in a way that absolutely mesmerizing and easy to feel ours.

"America Girl" is a perfect addition to any playlist and a lush musical escapade that caresses our senses and gives us a place to be free. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical dose of the unknown that dwells within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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