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From the UK comes the fantastic indie band Belle Mt. with their latest musical creation, say hello to the world of "Clio". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics, the band gives life to a tale that embraces the beauty of fantasy and the sweet warmth of real-life in a way that is quite endearing and charming. It's a track not meant for a person, but instead to an ancient being, the Greek muse whose name is aptly used as the title of this song.

There's something about "Clio" that caresses our senses ever so gently, pulling us in and giving us a sweet taste of that ambrosia that at times is so elusive and seems lost. The soundscape explores the quest for inspiration in a way that is quite mesmerizing and uniquely crafted, allowing us to find at every turn. So listen closely and fall prey to the unknow touch of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Belle Mt.

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