california - wukasa - united kingdom - uk - indie - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A refreshingly captivating and chill yet playful sonic experience.

UK-based indie band WUKASA comes to Wolf in a Suit and they invite us to explore the sonic realm that dwells within their latest release, say hello to "California". With this refreshingly exquisite and charming blend of melodies and lyrics they give us something that feels quite chill yet also so playful and inviting. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses as it lets our imagination get hooked by the soothing magic that makes it so special.

With a welcoming and relaxed approach, they tell us to let go of all that holds us down and simply smile and sing along as this world unfolds and pulls us in. There's something about "California" that just hits the spot and makes for a wonderfully mesmerizing soundscape that you are sure to want to explore. So listen closely and fall prey to the hypnotizing magical touch of this wonderful must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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