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Bring On The Rain

From Belgium comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Moli with her latest release, say hello to "Bring on the rain". With this fantastic musical creation, she blends melodies and lyrics in a way that feels so captivating, inviting and easy to connect with. Her voice guides us through these verses in such a warm and soft fashion, letting us find the connections on our own from start to end.

There's something about this track that manages to caress our senses and speak to our hearts and souls as we are invited to sing, dance and be one with the magic that dwells inside it. "Bring on the rain" is different from the rest and knows how to paint a picture so vivid and human from the moment you press play. So listen closely and fall prey to the beauty and palpable touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I’ve been discovering as a woman how everything’s in cycles, so I go through these PMS cycles of hormonal imbalance in my body that is affecting my brain directly. I really feel the effect of that. And when I’m in those phases, I find it really hard to see the light.”

With ‘Bring On The Rain’, I wanted to write about a motivation to myself how sometimes I just have to embrace the space when it’s happening, and get what I can out of it. I rather romanticise it, and say: Ok, I’m just gonna ride this wave of sadness and live it out to its fullest, and then it will get better and be ok, versus just feeling sorry for myself the whole time. So I just want to embody that and be like: bring it on, I can manage.”


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