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Breathe In, Breathe Out

From Denmark comes the absolutely amazing indie artist Rangleklods with the latest musical adventure, say hello to "Breathe In, Breathe Out". With this wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics he gives us a chance to appreciate the hidden beauty of life and all that comes with it. It's a gentle reminder that our days are made of ups and downs and we should not forget that there's a bigger picture to embrace. Nothing is worth taking over your mind and spirit, learn to pause and really open your eyes to see what matters most.

"Breathe In, Breathe Out" is a truly captivating soundscape that speaks to our senses with words bound to resonate as the verses comes alive. So listen closely and dive into the sweet unknown that lies within the confines of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Since my last album, I've become a father and married my girlfriend of many years. Life has become centered in a way that brings me peace and has taught me to breathe deeper. There are good days and bad days in our home just like everyone else's. But I love knowing that there is always something bigger than yourself, and that meaning is always just beneath the surface of whatever problem you’re fixating on. Breathe in, then out. And find the joy in what's right in front of you".


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