brainwashed - Meadowlark - united kingdom - uk - indie - indie music - indie rock - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog


Editor's Notes A uniquely haunting and insightful blend of melodies and lyrics.

UK-based indie band Meadowlark comes to Wolf in a Suit once more with the intoxicating sonic creation that is "Brainwashed". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics we are given something different, something special and quite poetic and hypnotizing. The song comes to us with a unique warmth and inviting feel that it just knows how to let us bring down our walls and simply connect the dots.

There's something insightful and inviting about the way in which the verses come together, one after the other, speaking to our hearts and souls from start to end. The beauty of "Brainwashed" does not lie on the subtle and soothing sounds but in the powerful message that dwells within it. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical touch of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Brainwashed is about being trapped in the idea and belief that we need a partner, success, money etc to be happy and fulfilled - and that happiness is outside of us. But it's a lie. And the Universe will give us these things to lose over and over again to remind us of this lie. To be human is to be brainwashed to some extent. We have everything we need to be happy right here, right now! The present moment is all we have. Everything else fades away either sooner or later. It can be a scary thought or the most liberating one of all."


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