From New Zealand comes the absolutely amazing and talented Isla Noon with the introspective sonic creation that is "Body". With this refreshingly personal and honest showcase of feelings and emotions, she opens up her heart and soul and gives life to a tale so human and so palpable. It's a track that speaks to both sides, the men and the women, for it clicks with one and gives a valuable lesson to the other.
"Body" is a marvelous musical endeavor that hits the spot with catchy and inviting melodies while housing verses that are raw and down to earth. It's a great addition to any playlist and a soundscape bound to become a fan favorite. So listen closely and explore it with care for there's something special about this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!
To listen on Apple Music click HERE
“Growing up, it was always very important to me to be recognised for my ideas, for my creative work, for what I had to say. As I grew into a young woman I became uncomfortable with the sense that my physical form was preceding those things, that the way I was perceived and treated seemed to hinge on how I looked, dressed, and carried my body. At times, this body felt like a risky vehicle to be in.”
Isla Noon
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"Body" Music Video
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