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Blossom and the Void

Editor's Notes Ethereal and haunting melodies that bring a sense of peace and calmness to our senses.

From the US comes the fantastic and talented Elskavon with the soothing and surreal sonic escapade that is "Blossom and the Void". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives life to a world so unique, so surreal and so beautifully magical. The arrangement of this soundscape allows it to caress our senses with such warmth that we can't help but feel at peace as it all comes alive.

"Blossom and the Void" is an extraordinary soundscape made of one-of-a-kind touches that allow it to stand out within the indietronica world. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this lush must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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