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Bite Down

The uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Beck Pete graces the lands of the Wolf in a Suit with the marvelous sonic creation that is "Bite Down". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics she invites us all to think about life and really pay attention to the fact that it is filled with dualities that seem at opposite ends but really aren't. It's a track that is catchy, honest and refreshingly freeing for it speaks to our hearts and souls with words so easy to connect with.

"Bite Down" embraces the beauty of life in a way that is not solely black or white, but filled with a wide array of colors and textures. It's a soundscape that encourages to walk away from the simple and lackluster definitions that society tends to try to give us, to understand that we can be everything we want. So listen closely and fall prey to the freeing and magical touch of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“In a world where strength is encouraged, and expression of feeling has been painted as the opposite of strength, I’m over here arguing that one cannot exist without the other.”

Beck Pete about "Bite Down"

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