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Benign Fire in a Small Room

Editor's Notes A wonderfully electric and hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics.

From the UK comes the fantastic indie band Youth Sector with their latest release, say hello to "Benign Fire in a Small Room". With this refreshingly honest and vivid blend of melodies and lyric, they speak to us with words that get our imagination excited and begging for more. The track flows with a down-to-earth relatability that invites us in to explore this realm that they have with such care and passion.

There's something about "Benign Fire in a Small Room" that just knows how to get you hooked from the moment you press play, pulling you to keep on pressing that button so the experience never ends. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical fire of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

This feels like our most mature offering so far and is my personal favourite on the EP. I had this core image of a person being totally on fire but being the last to know or care about it; I loved it as a metaphor for trying to drudge through life even as things are falling apart for you and everyone can see it.

But to be honest I had so much fun just taking that image at face value and running with it for a full 3 minutes - following this guy to work as he tries to get through a day without drawing attention to the fact he's on fire, and slowly, reluctantly acknowledging it: "It appears that I'm on fire but I think it will go out soon".

Youth Sector about "Benign fire in a small room"

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