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Bedroom Exile

Editor's Notes Catchy, refreshing and absolute mesmerizing indie rock soundscape.

From Germany comes the amazing indie band Giant Rooks with their latest single, say hello to "Bedroom Exile". With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, they give us a refreshingly captivating and honest world for us to explore and fall in love with. The vocals are perfection, shinning through and guiding us through these verses as everything takes shape and form, becoming one of the best songs of the year so far.

There's no denying it, this soundscape has everything to give your imagination an adventure to be part of and a fascinating reality to explore. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet unknown of the must-listen gem that is "Bedroom Exile". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“We have never been more certain of a song than "Bedroom Exile". It represents everything we want to be and stand for as a band. The song is about finding peace of mind in a world that feels out of control, chaotic and often overwhelming. We really tried to tap into that feeling and hope that a lot of people can relate to it.”