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Beautiful World

Editor's Notes A wonderfully crafted blend of honest verses and inviting melodies.

From the UK comes the amazing indie band Blondes and they do so with a truly marvelous musical creation, say hello to "Beautiful World". With this song they manage to craft a perfect blend of melodies and lyrics that fully comprehends what indie pop is all about. The track caresses our senses from the moment you press play, pulling you in softly but surely into the world it holds within. Not only that, but the maturity and beautifully placed verses, allow the story to come alive and speak to the fragile and modern truth of humanity.

The track is truly special, and not only that, but it understands that music can be more than sweet sounds, for it offers us a chance to learn and grow. There's something about "Beautiful World" that once you find it, you are bound to question a few of the things you see around you and maybe...some things you do. So listen closely and fall prey to the firm yet intoxicating grasp of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Beautiful World feels like our first proper pop song. It’s my favourite that we’ve written so far. It’s about our relationship with our environment and each other. We wrote it to speak not just for ourselves but to anyone that finds themselves looking around at our world and wondering just how we’ve become so disconnected from one another and the planet. We hope you like it.”

Alex from Blondes

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