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Beats Not Bombs

The absolutely amazing and talented duo of Bloom Twins are back and this time they bring the catchy and inspiring song that is "Beats Not Bombs". With this refreshingly honest and down to earth mix of melodies and lyrics, they invite us to not only have a great time but to pay attention to the beauty of the message hidden in this soundscape. It's a track inspire by a very real situation that hits home to these amazing artists, the war in Ukraine, and invites us to seek peace and not the opposite.

There's something quite special about "Beats Not Bombs" that makes it not only catchy but wonderfully human and inviting from start to end. It's a soundscape that knows the ways in which to not only speak to our senses but to get our hearts and souls invested. So listen closely to what these must-listen gem has to say and embrace this inspiring musical gift. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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