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US-based up-and-coming indie singer/songwriter Lilianna Fehr comes to us with the relatable sonic creation that is "Battleship". With a truly hypnotizing blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to to a tale so human, so real and so wonderfully palpable from start to end. It's a soundscape that understands that relationships are not perfect and break ups can be even further from this.

There's something about "Battleship" that speaks with words that are sure to resonate with more than a few listeners from the moment we press play. It's a soundscape that explores what a toxic relationship can hold and how at times, this unfortunate trait can be a shared one and manipulation can be subtle yet still be quite present. So listen closely and fall prey to the mesmerizing realm of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Lilianna Fehr