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Editor's Notes A powerful and refreshingly inspiring soundscape.

From the UK comes the absolutely amazing and talented indie singer/songwriter Bishop Briggs with her latest release, say hello to "Baggage". With this song she gives us something powerful and very-much welcomed, for she reminds us that we are not perfect and life is not always a pretty picture, we are the owners of this mess, so we might as well be proud of it. The track embraces our senses with a warmth and inspiring fire that manages to pull us in and feel as much ours as it is hers.

There's something about "Baggage" that is quite exquisite and truly mesmerizing from start to end, getting us hooked and turning this song into an anthem for the modern masses. This soundscape is absolutely marvelous and the way in which the verses come together, connecting the dots and showcasing the fragile and messy sight that is humanity is quite hypnotizing. There's something quite beautiful and inviting about this track, making for a wonderful addition to any playlist. So listen closely and be inspired by the empowering magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I am not perfect. In fact, I’m quite messy. I could say life is messy, which it is, but part of becoming an adult has been acknowledging the messiness that I have too. “Baggage” is the first song where I stand in the mud and triumphantly stomp my feet in it. I can only hope that others feel empowered to own their version of messy and know that they aren’t alone in it. I have found that when I unabashedly show my imperfections and my wounds I am growing. So, there you have it, that’s my baggage.”

Bishop Briggs

More of Bishop Briggs