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Bad Guy

From the US comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter Emma Noren with her latest creation, say hello to "Bad Guy". With this refreshingly honest and down-to-earth mix of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a tale that while hers, manages to feel as much ours as well. It's a track that flows naturally through the airwaves, caressing our senses and speaking to us in a way that allows everything to just click from the moment we press play.

There's something about "Bad Guy" that allows the song to just hit the spot and become a favorite of mine and a favorite of her fans as well. It's an indie rock creation that embraces our imagination and allows us to explore the ups and downs of life and relationships in a refreshing fashion. So listen closely and fall prey to this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I wrote Bad Guy in the midst of detangling a long-term relationship after the breakup; I was holding so much guilt around how things had ended alongside a lot of resentment, and I kept oscillating between the two emotions. I hadn’t seen this person in nearly a year and we decided to meet up at a bar for the first time since we had split, and I was imagining a scenario in which I ended up getting completely trashed in my car alone instead of going in and meeting face to face.

Lyrically, it was me saying everything that I wanted to say in that moment from the metaphorical safety of the driver’s seat of my 2009 Honda Fit, late at night, deeply drunk and brutally uncensored. The song is making fun of myself and the entire situation, honestly - it’s like a frustrated scream into a pillow that I needed to get out of my system in order to move on."

Emma Noren about "Bad Guy"

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