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baby girl, he’s so boring

US based indie singer/songwriter Holly Blair comes to Wolf in a Suit with the honest and uniquely palpable tale of “baby girl, he’s so boring”. With this marvelous showcase of feelings and emotions, she shares with us a story so human, so real and so uniquely raw and relatable to more than a few. It’s a track that embraces the realization that you desire something else, that maybe it was always there, or maybe you couldn’t define it, and how things can be when shared with those previously loved.

There’s something about “baby girl, he’s so boring” that makes it so special and so beautifully hypnotizing and inviting. It’s a soundscape that knows that life and love are made of ups and downs, and we are here to try our best to just be happy. So, listen closely and pay attention, because there’s something quite human waiting for us all inside the must-listen gem that is "baby girl, he's so boring". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“It ('baby girl, he's so boring') was definitely in part inspired by a girl whose ex-boyfriend was really upset about her moving on with a woman, and was sort of shaming her for it. It's a playful take on those really deep feelings of guilt and shame, of self worth and self destruction, especially in queer relationships. It’s also about gender roles in some ways, and to me a way to call out some men's feelings of inherent ownership over the women they have dated.

With the line “I don’t get what you owe him” I’m referring to the guilt that queer people often carry when they come out to their prior hetero partners. I dealt with so much of that when I first came out, and this song is kind of a reaction to all of the men that felt entitled to my sexuality over the years. It’s a light hearted reclaiming of those feelings of guilt and shame by trying to get the girl I’m seeing out of that headspace I was once in

I think this song lives somewhere between playful and melancholic, and I just want people to have fun with whatever they take from it. It’s about so many different sides of myself— the side that wants so badly to be chosen or loved, and also the confident and sexy side of me that are over all the bullshit gender roles in society. It’s about my darkest shadows and it’s also not that deep, and I kind of love existing in both of those places at once. And mostly, it's a song for all the queer girlies out there.”

Holly Blair about "baby girl, he's so boring"

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