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Editor's Notes A wonderfully refreshing and inspiring musical creation.

From the US comes the amazing and absolutely talented indie singer/songwriter Taali with the sonic escapade that is "Anywhere". With this stunning musical creation, she invites us to explore it and to find bits and pieces of ourselves hidden within the confines of the wonderful verses. The track caresses our senses with a gentle touch that feels so warm, so true and so inviting from the moment we press play. Plus, something about this song just knows how to put a smile in our faces as it delivers a subtle push towards our dreams and a path for making them real.

"Anywhere" is a welcomed invitation to escape from reality and to let go of all that at times holds us down for it knows that in reality there's nothing telling us not to move forward. So listen closely, let your imagination roam it freely and tell your heart and soul that it's ok to let the magic of this must-listen gem inside them. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Taali