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Editor's Notes An invitation to ask that one question, one that could decide where your romantic life is headed...yes or no is the only answer.

UK-based indie pop-rock band Wild Horse comes back to Wolf in a Suit and this time around they give us the sonic creation that is "Angles". With this refreshingly honest and down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions they connect with as they speak of an experience that we all go through. The explore that one question and the doubts that come with it, as we wonder if our feelings will be reciprocated.

"Angles" manages to perfectly explore and showcase what goes on inside our heads as we push ourselves to be courageous and vulnerable and let the other person know how we feel. There's something so youthful, so real and wonderfully relatable about this soundscape that it just clicks. So listen closely and fall prey to the fantastic magic and inspiring push of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Wild Horse