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American Disco

US-based indie band The Never Ending Fall comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and does so with the intoxicating sonic adventure that is "American Disco". With this wonderfully inviting and refreshingly catchy and playful blend of melodies and lyrics they give us a world to explore from the moment we press play. It's a track that embraces our senses as it offers us a chance to be part of something special and truly quite cinematic.

With "American Disco" they manage to give life to something not only different from the rest but absolutely hypnotizing and electrifying from start to end. It's a track that needs to be heard, it needs to be part of as many playlists and deserves for you to share it with others because it offers a one of a kind experience to all music lovers. So listen closely and fall prey to the rebellious charm of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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