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Airplane Mode

Editor's Notes A youthful and inviting blend of melodies, lyrics and emotions.

Up and coming indie singer/songwriter Bonded Jacky comes to Wolf in a Suit with the down-to-earth sonic creation that is "Airplane Mode". With this refreshingly honest showcase of youth and the weight of relationships she gives us a story that is so hers yet also feels ours. There's something so playful and warm about the way in which the verses flow one after the other that just makes the song feel so easy to dive into and explore.

"Airplane Mode" is a sweet gift from a talented artist to us, hungry music lovers, for it hits just the right notes and lets our imagination roam freely. So listen closely and fall prey to the welcomed serving of escapism that makes this song an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Bonded Jacky