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EP Review: ‘Poetry (for the scorned and lonely)’ by Mary Middlefield

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To listen:

More of Mary Middlefield

Personal Favorite

*“Heart’s Desire” (Track 4/ 3:20)

*“Poetry” (Track 8/ 2:47)

‘Poetry (for the scorned and lonely)’ by Mary Middlefield

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

The absolutely amazing Mary Middlefield comes to Wolf in a Suit with a body of work so amazing and so enticing, say hello to ‘Poetry (for the scorned and lonely)’. With this fantastic EP, she gives life to a wide array of stories that embrace the ups and downs that give life it’s flavor and color. It’s an EP that embraces our senses with such natural charm, allowing each listener to find bits and pieces of themselves within these songs.

‘Poetry (for the scorned and lonely)’ is not filled with fantasies and false promises of rainbows and butterflies, but instead invites us to explore realities quite palpable and human. Some of these songs are not meant to make you smile and laugh with joy, but instead invite you to think and realize that life is made of positive and negative experiences. It’s an EP that does not want to push you away, but it won’t budge in the raw storytelling that personally, makes it so amazing.

As always there are songs that spoke louder to me than the rest, and I am sure that there will be some that connect with you a bit, they might the same, or maybe not. The two I picked are: “Heart’s Desire” and “Poetry”.

The first is a powerful that speaks of a topic that I feel needs to be spoken of and people need to learn to accept it for what it is, instead of trying to hide it or give it another title. With this song she explores statutory rape, a sort-of taboo topic, but one that as a man, I believe I need to be informed of, because life holds various unknowns and ignorance cannot be an excuse. Not only that, but we all should listen to this track, because the storytelling is not harsh but uniquely inviting, allowing you to really connect the dots and take away something from it.

The second is a bit different and manages to become the perfect way to close out this EP. It feels as if this book closes with these verses and melodies, caressing our soul one last time to become a reminder of the talent Mary holds. It’s also wonderfully haunting and subtly intoxicating, making sure we are excited for the present ep and for whatever the future holds.

So listen closely and fall prey to each and every track that calls ‘Poetry (for the scorned and lonely’ home. Enjoy!

Location: Switzerland

Genre: Indie Pop/Folk/Rock

To Buy/Stream EP click HERE
