Indie Pop

Listen: “This House” by siobhan winifred

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“This House” by siobhan winifred

UK-based indie singer/songwriter siobhan winifred comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet musical creation that is “This House”. With this beautifully crafted showcase of honesty and sadness, she paints a picture that is so perfectly human and relatable from start to end. The track flows with ease, and manages to give our imagination a chance to be part of the house party that inspired it. Her voice is gentle but one can feel the melancholic nature of it’s tone from the very start and this allows us to come in without any barriers and simply willing to understand.

“This House” is a fantastic soundscape that understands that at times heartbreak does not need to involve ill-will but also it does not need to be positive, it simply needs to be what it wants to be. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself with the bittersweet streets of this reality that is so palpable and raw, making this an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“‘This House’ was written at a time when I was at my most vulnerable. I had it all down in 20 minutes and the vocals on the final version are all from the first take, everything was so raw. The song was written 2 days after a house party that my ex, his new girlfriend and I were all at. The song is about all the conflicting emotions you have when you want someone to be happy but are struggling to watch them move on.

I wanted to capture the intense feeling of claustrophobia I had that night. Everybody there knew the situation and it just reached a point where I had to leave. I included sounds of a house party on the track and the production kicks in on the line ‘so I think I better leave’ – it’s about reaching breaking point and desperately needing to escape.”

siobhan winifred

Location: United Kingdom

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