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Music Video: “Familiar” by SpaceAcre

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“Familiar” by SpaceAcre

From the UK comes a sound so poetic and mesmerizing that you can’t help but need and want more and more of it as it gives your speakers something special to share. The ethereal and haunting nature of “Familiar” by SpaceAcre gives the visual and musical experience a cathartic and riveting feel that is so human and raw. With this soundscape, the talented pair give life to a song that explores the extent of what heartbreak can define, for it not always has to be connected to a romantic love story. They understand that there are times in which family is the one you need to part ways for the relationship hurts and breaks you down.

There’s no denying that more than a few will find a connection with the picture that is being painted by the verses. “Familiar” is a special track that walks away from the norm and understands that it found the best way to speak to us all. So listen, see and fall prey to the hypnotizing magic of this stunning must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

“‘Familiar’ is a non-romantic heartbreak song. It’s about a family relationship that you’re determined to make work, though you know you’re leaving yourself open to getting hurt repeatedly. Sometimes you can be prepared for what someone says and yet it still cuts through your armour anyway, even if it’s unintentional.” 


Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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