Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “are we done yet?” by VÉRITÉ

are we done yet? - are we done yet - VÉRITÉ - verite - usa - indie - indie music - indie pop - indie rock - indie folk - new music - music blog - wolf in a suit - wolfinasuit - wolf in a suit blog - wolf in a suit music blog

“are we done yet?” by VÉRITÉ

The absolutely amazing and talented indie singer/songwriter VÉRITÉ comes to Wolf in a Suit once and gives us “are we done yet?”. With this stunning showcase of melodies and sounds, she gives life to a unknown yet hypnotizing reality that pulls us in from the very moment you press play. The track speaks to us in a way that allows the imagination to break free from all rules and walls that at times limit it. Her voice is the guide that holds our hand firmly as the soundscape unfolds and becomes one with the airwaves that surround us all. Not only that, bus visually speaking the approach taken is simple yet also quite magnetic and deserving of our full attention.

There’s no denying that she has crafted another great addition for her already fantastic body of work, making her one of the most exciting indie artists out there. So listen, see and fall prey to the magic and subtle fire of this must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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