Indie Pop

Listen: “Watch Your 6” by Mike Kota

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“Watch Your 6” by Mike Kota

US-based indie singer/songwriter Mike Kota comes to Wolf in a Suit with intoxicating sonic creation that is “Watch Your 6”. With this stunning and absolutely enticing blend of melodies and lyrics she gives life to a world that reminds you to trust your intuition. She does this a fantastic dose of passion and raw energy that makes the experience one of a kind and absolutely mesmerizing from start to end. The soundscape unfolds in a natural fashion that allows the experience to pull us in as our senses are hooked and imagination roams freely through each verse.

This song is an absolutely amazing musical experience that understands how to connect the dots and make us be part of the story that resides within it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet escape offered by this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Mike Kota