Indie Pop

Listen: “Hate To Love You” by Eliza Bennett

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“Hate To Love You” by Eliza Bennett

The uber-talented UK-native Eliza Bennett comes to Wolf in a Suit once more to deliver the relatable sonic creation that is “Hate to love you”. With this stunning and magical blend of melodies and lyrics she speaks of her relationship with the place she now calls home, Los Angeles. With an honest and down-to-earth approach, she does not cover the flaws of this city but instead embraces them and understands that the city has its flaws and its ugly side, but it also has a certain charm that you just can’t find anywhere else. Her voice caresses our senses and manages to explore the connection she has with this always mesmerizing place on earth.

She explains to us that this city is not for everyone and that there’s a certain je ne sais quoi about it that always finds new hopefuls, but beware because not all who strike find gold. So listen closely to this wonderful and personal soundscape and fall prey to the sweet magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Eliza Bennett